TEC updates MTCTE procedure v3.0
TEC has incorporated the following points in its MTCTE procedure v3.0:
- Enhancement of validity of Regular MTCTE Certificate from 5 years to 10 years
- Revision of MTCTE labelling requirement changes in its Annexure-D
- Exemption of certification fee for government institutes and removal of test report evaluation fee in its Annexure-C.
- Updated Table A.1 and A.2 of its Annexure-A.
- Updating Family and Associated Models definition for optical fibre cable under MTCTE in Annexure-B
- Updating SCS scheme for uploading of test reports
- Acceptance of valid certificate issued by BIS or test reports issued by BIS recognized lab(s) against safety requirements under MTCTE
- Acceptance of Source Approval Certificate (SAC) under MTCTE
- Clarification regarding End of Life/ End of Sale for whole unit warranty replacement products under MTCTE
- Acceptance of test reports of CAB designated for Generic Requirements (GR)/ Interface Requirements (IR) for the parameters of ER under MTCTE
- Removal of NABL mandate for witness testing by RTEC
- Notification of ITSARs
- Addition of part codes of lower configuration cards
- Test scenarios in case of Split Unit Type models
- Fresh application for more than associated models
- Updated MTCTE Flowchart
- Removal of clauses related to Temporary Certificate
Link to MTCTE Procedure v3.0 MTCTE Portal: TEC Online Certification Portal