Product name
Model name
Model name for additional model 3
Country India
Product/Interface type Media Gateway Interface Approval - single interface, Router Interface Approval - single interface, Router Interface Approval - 2 or more Interfaces, Transmission Equipment Interface Approval - single interface, Transmission Equipment Interface Approval - 2 or more interfaces, Video Conferencing Equipment Interface Approval - 2 or more interfaces

For India application:rThis is to support application for one single model product based on review of acceptable, client provided foreign standard test reports and product documents. Locally registered business entity is required to act as applicant. In-country testing is required. TEC test fees quoted are for In-station Tariff. Outstation tariff is normally higher and will be quoted separately when required.

Total Cost US$
User Manual [479]
BOM [480]
Specifications [481]
Circuit diagrams [482]
Signed Declaration [483]
Test Reports [484]
Lab Accreditation certificate of testing Lab [583]
Product Photographs [485]